caviar, the luxurious delicacy

caviar, the luxurious delicacy

Caviar is considered a luxury food,so the price is relatively expensive, it's being sold at price of $5000 per kilogram. caviar usually made from fish egg of sturgeon that have been processed or salted. the most expensive of caviar are Beluga caviar varian.

caviar, the luxurious delicacy

caviar are usually presented as a complement to other food by means of sowing or garnish. caviar contains a lot of vitamin B-12, but it also contains a lot of salt and cholesterol which is not good for health. caviar should be kept cool before consumption, because caviar is very fragile. pasteurized caviar has a different texture, not fragile and should not be refrigerated. while the solid caviar consisting of several different kinds of fish egg and form egg that have been damage be marinated or compacted.

caviar, the luxurious delicacy

caviar, the luxurious delicacy

 Caviar, the luxurious delicacy