Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple compounds named after the village. its located on the border between two province Central Java and Yogyakarta on Java island. Prambanan temple compounds consist of Prambanan temple (Loro Jonggrang temple), Bubrah temple and Lumbung temple. Prambanan temple itself is a complex consisting of 240 temples. in all there are 224in the entire complex, the inner square contains 16 temples. these three  ancient masterpiece of Hindu architecture are locally referred to as the Prambanan temple, the compounds was deserted soon after it was completed, possibly owing to the eruption of the nearby mountain Merapi.

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple which is built in 9th century by Rakai Pikatan during the Syailendra dinasty in Java is the largest temple compunds dedicated to three great Hindu divinities. this temple designed as three cocentric squares with its decorated reliefs is an outstanding example of shiva art in Indonesia and the region. Prambanan temple is one of  UNESCO World heritage site.

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple photos and facts

The temple is adorned with panels of narrative bas-reliefs telling the story of Hindu epic : Ramayana and Bhagavata Purana. the narrative bas-reliefs panels was carved along the inner balustrades wall on the gallery around the three main temples. This narrative bas-relief about Ramayana epic also shown by the Ramayana ballet, which regularly performed at full moon at Trimurti open air theatre in west side of illuminated Prambanan complex.

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple photos and facts

Prambanan temple photos and facts