Traditional stone jumping in Nias, Indonesia

Traditional stone jumping in Nias, Indonesia

Nias island located 125 miles from from the western edge of the island of Sumatra, famous for the unique stone jumping tradition. This tradition is known as a symbol of society Nias culture derived from one generation to another in every Nias family. Stone jumping tradition or often called "Fahombo", originally performed to determine the stage of young adulthood physically, which is marked if he could jump over through a pile of stone with a height of  2 meter, a width of 90 cm and length of 60 cm perfectly.

Traditional stone jumping in Nias, Indonesia

 Stone jumping tradition is only done by teenage boys and only be countered in certain village, such as Teluk Dalam village.  This tradition is a very prestigious agility event, because if there are young men who are perfectly capable of jumping over the stone then he will be considered be a knight and defend territory in case of war. For it so prestigious, many young man racing to be able to jump perfectly. For youth who was the first time can jump perfectly will be greeted happy by his family in a way some of the cattle slaugthered as a sign of gratitude and pride.

Traditional stone jumping in Nias, Indonesia

Traditional stone jumping in Nias, Indonesia