Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice ( Venezia ) in Italy is one of the most lovely and interesting place in the world, its has been enchanted visitors for more than a thousand years. This sanctuary in a lagoon is virtually the same as it was six hundred years ago, which add to the fascinating character. Venice is a city in northeastern Italy, sited on a group of 118 small island separated by canals and linked by bridges. Its one of the most unique city in the world, built on a series of mud banks, this city fights a permanent battle with the adriatic sea.

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice is easily walkable because its world's only pedestrian city and the absense of the cars makes this a particularly pleasant experience. However, walking and standing all day can be exhausting. This city is best is when caught between act, after the day trippers rush off to beat afternoon traffic and before cruise ships dump dazed newcomers off in Piazza San Marco with three hours to see all of Venice before lunch.

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy

Venice, a lovely place in Italy