Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat  in Cambodia is one of the most important archeological sites in South East Asia. stretching over some 400km2, including forest area, Angkor archeological parks contains the magnificent remains of the different of the capital khmer empire from the 9th to 15th century. the temple was first a hindu and later became a budhist temple complex. Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world which is surrounded with mistery. Wat is the khmer name for temple, which was probably added to Angkor, when it became a theravada budhist monument, likely in 19th century. after 1432 when the capital of Cambodia move to Phonm Penh, Angkor Watwas cared by budhist monks.

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat temple was constructed by khmer king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century in the capital of khmer empire, Yashodarapura ( angkor ), as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. this temple was funerary temple for king Suryavarman II and oriented to the west to conform to the symbolism between the setting sun and death. the bas reliefs designed for viewing from left to right in the order of hindu funeral support this function.

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat, the history

The largest monument of the Angkor complex and the best preserved is an arcitectural masterpiece. its perfection in composition, balance, proportion, reliefs and sculpture make it one of the finest monuments in the world. This temple is at the epitome of the high classical style of khmer architecture and it has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag and its the country prime attraction for the tourist.

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat, the history

Angkor Wat, the history