Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park is located in the province of Each Nusa Tenggara, within the Lesser Sunda Island. Its composed of three major island namely Komodo, Rinca and Padar with numerous smaller island, total area 603 square kilometers. Komodo national park is created by Indonesian government in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon. And it's recognized by UNESCO as a World heritage site in 1991.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo national park is the native habitat of the giant lizard/dragon named " Komodo". Approximately 2500 komodo live in this region. Komodo average of up to 3 meters length and weight up to 100-165 pounds. Komodo form are creepy, with big body, scaly skin, sharp hooves and a  forked tongue much like the ancient animal, but komodo is not an active hunter. Komodo usually only hunting their prey that have weak or injured. Komodo have a winch poisoned water, which can kill its prey with a single bite.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

At Komodo national park even with recognition of Komodo as one of the most important treasure of biodiversity in Indonesia, threats to the future of this marine protected area still exist. More than 1000 species of tropical fish, 260 species of coral, 7 species of sharks, 70 species of sponges and rare marine mammals such as whales and dolphins live within Komodo national park. So, not only see Komodo directly, Komodo national park also presented a beautiful underwater scenery for the divers.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Komodo national park, Indonesia