Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Raja Ampat is located in the province Indonesia, Papua exactly famous for its natural beauty and marine parks are very interesting. Raja Ampat is a group of  four large island ( Waigeo, Waisai, Salawati, Misol) and almost 1,500 smaller ones that located on the western tip of the Papua island. This area of the world is extremely isolated and is still pretty empty. Its a seven hour flight there from Jakarta and a five hour flight from Bali.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Raja Ampat is one of the 10 best places  to dive. its has the best coral reefs in Indonesia, almost 75% all known coral in the world. according to the reseach Raja Ampat islands have abundant biodeversity, among others are : 1.320 species of fish, 5 species rare sea turtle, 57 species of mantis shrimp, 13 species of marine mammals and 27 species of rare fish. 

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Although you may never heard of this place before, there is every chance that you have seen photos of coral reef s and the thousand of fish that create an enchanting underwater kaleidoscope of color. the reason for this is that Raja Ampat offers quite simply the best diving in the whole of Indonesia.

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving

Raja Ampat, Indonesia's best place for diving