Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Most important and popular festivals in Lombok island  is Bau Nyale, meaning “to catch the sea worms” in local Sasak language., the Nyale is sea worms in a variety of colours are brown or pale cream to red and green. The sea worms which live in holes in the rocks below the sea surface. Nyale smell is an event hunt marine worms. The event was held in February and March. Nyale Bau venue for this ceremony in Seger Beach, Kuta. Located at the south of the island of Lombok.

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Bau Nyale, or the Nyale Festival, takes place every year in the tenth month of the Sasak calendar at a time close to the full moon, it’s celebrated in February around 14th and 15th in the south coast beaches of Lombok. The most popular site for celebrating Bau Nyale is at beautiful Seger Beach near Kuta; an area called Putri Nyale (Princess Nyale) by the people of Lombok. Nyale smell is closely related to a folklore that developed on the island of Lombok, which tells the story of the wise princess named Princess Mandalika, this very beautiful princess so many princes who fought to marry her. this led to the war and make the daughter restless and he decides to sacrifice himself by throwing themselves into the sea becomes nyale to be enjoyed by all people. 

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

A good catch is a sign that this year’s rice harvest will also be good. Nyale are traditionally associated with fertility, and as part of a ritualized ceremony, the sea worms are ground up and placed in irrigation channels around fields to help ensure a good harvest. People are collected the worms to eat them for a special annual feast. Nyale are eaten sometimes raw when they are caught, or steamed, fried, or made into Pepes Nyale. In this popular local specialty, the Nyale are mixed with coconut and spices, then wrapped in a banana leaf and roasted over the fire. The sea worm taste is delicious and rich in protein.

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

One week before this celebration, the accommodations in Kuta are fully booked with local and overseas visitors who want to see the Festival directly. The festival starts with many attractions such; Presean (people fighting), Adu Pantun a form of traditional poetry, where young people tease and with each other, competing to form verses in a ritual style. 

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

Bau Nyale Festival, Lombok Island - Indonesia

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