Top 7 Indonesian foods

As we all know Indonesia is made up of many parts ethnic, each possessing its own distinctive character. Especially in the typical diet. So it makes Indonesia has a wide range of specialties. Many of Indonesia’s ingredients are influenced by India, the Middle East and Chinese cuisines.  So not surprisingly, commonly eaten foods are rice, meat and vegetables on a daily basis. The dishes are rich in flavor, and combining elements of hot, spicy, sour, bitter, salty and sweet. And also with the unique home-grown spices, which give Indonesian cuisine an edge over other countries in Asia. Here are 5 of Indonesian food famous :

1. Nasi Goreng ( Fried Rice )

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Nasi goreng  considered as the national dish of Indonesia. Fried foods made from rice fried with herbs and other ingredients. Fried foods are popular in East Asia and then spread Tenggara. This stir-fried rice dish has many ingredients such as shallots, garlic, chili, eggs, sweet soy sauce and a variety of meat (chicken, beef,  prawns). Nasi goreng, it’s extremely cheap and you can find it at any street food vendor or local restaurant. 
2. Bakso

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Bakso is the Indonesian version of a meatball.  It’s usually made from sliced beef, but can also take the form of chicken, fish or shrimp.  It is usually served in a large bowl of beef broth, yellow noodles, vegetables, tofu, eggs, cabbage, shallots and other spices. You can find bakso at most Indonesian restaurants, and it’s also available as a frozen food in supermarkets.

3. Sate (Satay)

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Satay is nothing more than meat on a stick.  Literally skewered meat on a wooden stick.  It’s always served with a delicious, peanut based sauce on the side.  The meat is grilled and seasoned and can take on a variety of chicken, fish, beef, goat, pork or even tofu.  It came from the region of Java in Indonesia, and it has emerged as a national dish.  You can find it anywhere you go around the country.

4. Soto

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Soto is one of Indonesian dishes are served with gravy and stuffed with meat, vegetables and a variety of spices. It always contains a variety of meats, broth and vegetables and served hot.  Interestingly, soto in Indonesia have varied according to the type of area. For instance there is a special soup of the Kudus city, Bandung soup, soto Betawi, soto Madura and others. One menu mainstay is soto Betawi typical Jakarta. Soto Betawi soup itself was like any other. It has a thick sauce is creamy white because it is tinged with coconut milk. The question of meat used, soto Betawi can be served by using beef, lamb or chicken.

5. Gado-gado

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Gado-gado is one of the foods that come from Indonesia in the form of vegetables boiled and mixed together, with peanut sauce or sauce of peanuts mashed with egg slices on top and sprinkled with fried onions. Little chips or fried crackers (who have the prawn crackers) were also added. Gado-gado can be eaten alone as a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but can also be eaten with white rice or sometimes served with rice cake.

6. Rendang  

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Rendang is a menu-based meat mixed with various spices such as coriander, turmeric and various other herbs. Rendang Padang is a special menu that is rich in flavor and very legit. It does tend to salty, with gravy thickens attached as well as a spice used widely. Usually the meat is tender and delicious taste left on the tongue when eaten with warm rice.

7. Opor Ayam

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Opor ayam is a a menu-based chicken, potatoes, eggs cooked in coconut milk . Opor ayam especially from Central Java. Spice mixture include galangal, lemongrass, cinnamon, tamarind juice, palm sugar, coriander, cumin, candlenut, garlic, shallot, and pepper. Rice usually served with rice cake in the month of Ramadan. The broth is thick with a sprinkling of fried onions, with a touch of coriander, turmeric and coconut milk are special

Top 7  Indonesian foods

Top 7  Indonesian foods

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