Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi  is a traditional  Korean cuisine consisting fermented vegetable (usually a cabbage ) and a variety seasoning. Kimchi ingredient commonly are : chinese cabbage ( napa ), radish, garlic, red pepper, spring onion, ginger, salt and sugar. In a traditional preparation, Kimchi is often allowed to ferment underground in jars for months. The best tasting kimchi is stored in room  temperature for an average six months to reach its full flavor.

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi has been cited by Health magazine as one of the world five " healthiest food"  with the claim that kimchi is rich in vitamins, aids digestion and may even prevent cancer. The health of kimchi are due to a variety factors. It's usually made from cabbage, onion and garlic, which have well-known health benefits. It also has active and beneficial bacterial cultures, like yoghurt. Kimchi contains a high concentration of dietary fiber and also low in calories,

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Koreans consume 40 pounds (18kg) of kimchi per person anually and many credit their nations rapid economic growth in part to eating this dish. there are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made from napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber as main ingredients. Other than that, today has been produced kimchi in packaging and instant, so it will easier to offers kimchi.

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine

Kimchi ; Korean healthy cuisine