Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

As we all know, there are a lot of edible mushrooms in a whole world, but the fungus that are excellent and highly prizes is " Truffle " which is the price per kilogram could reach 60 million. what a fantastic price. Supposedly tastes very delicious and special, the location is hard to find and it was only one year, making it highly price mushrooms. Besides its physical are dirty and not special when cleaned and cut, making it considered the same as a diamond, thats why truffle often called as " Diamond of the kitchen".

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Truffle which comes from Piedmont, the region of  northern Italy are usually grows on the roots of oak and hazel trees at 5-40 cm depth in the soil, so to find truffle often used the dogs that have been trained. There are a several types of truffles including :
- White Truffle, commonly found in Italy and France, the price of white truffle is highest
- Black Truffle, containing high afrosidiak commonly found in France, the prices are cheaper than white truffle, 1 pounds could reach 6 million.
- Chinese Truffle, almost the same as black truffle, just a lot of growing in Chinese area and can be harvested in  the winter.
- Summer Truffle, truffle which is usually grown in Europe and mature in the summer.

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Bussiest truffles market usually falls in October and November, because at that time truffle a ripe and ready for harvest. Record achieved of discovered white truffle is Luciano Savini with a 1,51 pounds white truffle and sold at a price of 1.44 billion.

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom

Truffle ; the most expensive mushroom