Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron is actually the stigmas or  female reproductive part of the flower Saffron Crocus ( crocus sativus ) plant which is each mature plant contains only three bright red stigma. Crocus Sativus belongs to the family of Iridaceae and its characterized for having a purple flower, red stigmas and yellow stamens. Saffron commonly known as Rose of Saffron. by the historic Saffron comes from Ancient egypt which used by Cleopatra and other Pharaoh as an aromatic and seductive essense. Saffron was also highly appreciated in the classic Greece for its coloring and aromating properties. Arab used saffron in medicine for anesthetic properties. 

Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron ; king of spice

Cooking literature describe the aroma and taste of saffron in a range from delicate, flowery and perfume-like, through hay like, musky and earthy to medicinal. Quoted prices of saffron vary widely, a high quality saffron ranges in price from $ 1.600 to $ 5.000 per pound. saffron is usually sold in one gram packet and is expensive.

Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron ; king of spice

Nowadays saffron forms part of the culinary culture of different region in the world. Foods benefiting most from it addition include : risotto, egg , mushroom, seafood, spinach and potatoes. saffron is also one of the more exotic ingredients in several Italian dish, Moroccan cuisine, French and Spanish dish and also Indian Biryani rice.

Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron ; king of spice

Saffron ; king of spice