Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

Petra is the old city and most popular tourist attraction in Jordan. this city which is located between the Dead sea and the Red sea is one of the world most famous historical archeological city. Petra discovered and intriduced to the world by Swiss explorer in 1812. Petra is often reffered as " the Rose city " because their rock color is like the rose color which the city has encased. Half of this city made by a man and a half encased in the rock and contains the water passage that also one of the reason why this city so popular.

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

Petra established in 312 BC with Nabataens as the capital city. there're about 800 structures in this city, the most popular is "the Pharaoh treasure". the roman said that it is the province of Arabia patrai in 2nd and 3rd centuries. Petra was abduction by muslim in 7th century and in 12th century captured by Crusaders. this place is not possible for settlement if the water system is not built to provide storage and supply for the civilian.

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

There are many ways to get into Petra, but none of them are easy, its almost impossible for anyone to enter. The main entrance to Petra is called  "the Siq" it has sides as high as 200m or 600 ft.this gorge and the temple Kazneh at the end of it. The temple of Kazneh is the most famous over 800 carved tombs in Petra. its named Kazneh means treasure and comes from the Bedouin that belief that the Pharaoh chasing the Israelites hid his treasure in the urn at the top of the Kazneh. Tomb facades were built from the top down.

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

In 363 earthquake destroyed many buildings but it did not damage the water system. Petra was become a place of interest in the middle age. With their age the structures of this city weakend and became victim to the robber and do to this results over the years many treasures were stolen. that's why in 1985 UNESCO classified Petra as World heritage site and described Petra as one of the most cultural properties of man's cultural heritage.

Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city

  Petra - Jordan, the Rose historical city